No matter if MAC or Android. Our app works on all leading technologies.
Devices Streamify
Our software solution runs on the most used devices.
Streamify runs on all major operating systems such as Windows and MAC, as well as Android and IOS devices. Most people own at least one of these devices and operating systems. Installing the app is the same as any other app and does not require any special knowledge. In the miniPC model, everything is pre-installed, so it’s a minimal effort for the user.
4 available devices and 5 operating systems.
Windows & MAC
Android & IOS
Android & IOS
Linux on ASUS
Streamify runs on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android and IOS (common technologies).
Offline recording without the need for an internet connection.
Cloud-based solution for worldwide use.
Ready to use also for small businesses, bands, DJs via mobile devices.
Customer activation happens during installation. Automatic verification of the customer ID when installing the app.
Automatic updates of software and operating systems. Guarantee that software and devices are always up to date with the latest technology.
API direct connection to the copyright society’s system for automated import of data.
Access to cloud administration and statistics, evaluations and download of files directly by the copyright society. Optimal control and statistics of the event recordings.